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The people that power your business

Tailor-Made Talent Consultancy

Our dedicated talent strategy consultants will work direct with your hiring and management teams to understand granular challenges, and devise and deploy a solution that will afford your team the time and confidence to progress the business without the headache that hiring can bring.

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Providing detailed insights strategic resource Icon

Providing detailed insights strategic resource

Our team undertake comprehensive research and strategic review to gain a full picture of the challenges your organisation faces, from hiring stats through to advertising spend; we’ll deliver an assessment of your ‘state of the nation’ toward a forensic understanding.

Planned and developed project development Icon

Planned and developed project development

From our initial basis of understanding, we will design a dedicated talent to address your key hiring challenges, from key milestones to longer term procedural enhancement, our team will work on hand with your hiring managers to progress and evolve.

Working in partnership to build long term stability Icon

Working in partnership to build long term stability

Our teams have designed strategies to complement the most challenging of hiring markets. It is with this background of expertise that we address every assignment, ensuring we get to the root cause of any issue, to deliver a tangible and sustainable outcome.

Smarter Hiring, Stronger Teams

Download our guide toward developing stronger teams through smarter hiring strategies today.

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    Carefully crafted, considered and creative talent management solutions, delivering tangible improvement for our clients.

    Our Consultancy Work:

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    Amdaris – Driving Technological Innovation and Empowering Talent

    Glyn Blaize, COO of Amdaris, sheds light on the shared values and synergistic nature of their Partnership with us. We've teamed up with Amdaris to tackle a broad spectrum of initiatives, including customised talent acquisition programs, up-skilling and re-skilling initiatives, and workforce solutions tailored to the specific needs of the client.

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    Foster + Partners Recruitment Process Restructuring

    Being recognised as one of the worlds most prolific Architectural firms comes hand in hand with some pretty hefty hiring challenges. Charlotte Sword, Global HR director at Foster + Partners talks about their partnership with us and our contribution to reducing the firms hiring costs by a staggering 75%.

    Our Partner Perspective:

    "There was the obvious challenge presented to us by COVID-19, both in terms of the remote interview process and the number of candidates available. We were also presented with a challenge around a specific candidate that Tandem quickly fixed and got the recruitment process back on track. ​Tandem offers a really consultative approach and has some great advice to give around the market conditions and the recruitment process."

    Claire Webber, Human Resources Director, Outdoor and Cycle Concepts Ltd